2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 10: Bard A vs. Columbia A

Bard A


Hazel Depreist-Sullivan6060
Greta Hong1010
Ezra Greenhill000
Kyle Nolan01-5
7 bonuses for 110 points (15.71 PPB)

Columbia A


Geoffrey Wu4135
Cooper Roh4040
Jack Rado2115
Charles Young120
11 bonuses for 270 points (24.55 PPB)

Hazel Depreist-SullivanGreta HongEzra GreenhillKyle NolanBonusesTotalTUGeoffrey WuCooper RohJack RadoCharles YoungBonusesTotal
10 7010002010
20210 740101030
20310 2010101070
10 5810101060470
10 20101010100570
100610 74101010110
100710 3710100140
100810 53101010180
10 8601001209180
1201010 7610010210
1201110 93101010250
10 136100014012-5 84245
1401310 60101010285
1401410 1140100305
-5 461351510 103101010345
1351610 4010010375
0 127135170 127375
10 125010015518-5 62370
10 60010017519-5 41365
17520-5 34360
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text