2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 7: Columbia B vs. Lehigh A

Columbia B


Olin Bose6250
Chauncey Lo4040
Elijah Scheinson1010
Patrick Rivas-Giorgi2020
13 bonuses for 200 points (15.38 PPB)

Lehigh A


Will Hollister3030
Chase Barrick3030
Caedmon Holland000
Lauren Edgar000
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

Olin BoseChauncey LoElijah ScheinsonPatrick Rivas-GiorgiBonusesTotalTUWill HollisterChase BarrickCaedmon HollandLauren EdgarBonusesTotal
10 94010103010
10 12601005020
50310 69010020
10 7810101090420
90510 470101050
90610 54100070
10 831000110770
10 951000130870
10 1120100150970
10 120101001801070
1801110 6000080
10 8401002001280
10 40010102301380
-5 462251410 12901010110
10 99010024515110
10 1270101027516110
-5 81270170 114110
10 1370101030018110
10 105010032019110
3202010 640010130
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text