2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 7: Columbia A vs. Haverford A

Columbia A


Cooper Roh4040
Charles Young6155
Jack Rado4040
Geoffrey Wu2115
16 bonuses for 390 points (24.38 PPB)

Haverford A


William Snyder000
Ethan Furman2020
Arjun Bothra2210
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

Cooper RohCharles YoungJack RadoGeoffrey WuBonusesTotalTUWilliam SnyderEthan FurmanArjun BothraBonusesTotal
0110 2300010
10 8510101040210
10 711010070310
70410 57001030
10 6601010100530
10 701000120630
10 83101010160730
10 105100101908-5 7825
-5 72185910 130010045
10 811010102251045
10 711010102651145
10 61010102951245
10 12710101033513-5 8540
10 1211010103751440
10 221010104151540
10 781010104551640
-5 124501710 1140101070
10 86101004801870
10 46010105101970
10 64010105402070
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text