2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 5: Columbia B vs. Penn A

Columbia B


Chauncey Lo2115
Olin Bose2210
Elijah Scheinson4040
Patrick Rivas-Giorgi000
8 bonuses for 130 points (16.25 PPB)

Penn A


Danny Han2020
Vishal Kanigicherla1010
Anirudh Bharadwaj115
Ivvone Zhou7070
11 bonuses for 210 points (19.09 PPB)

Chauncey LoOlin BoseElijah ScheinsonPatrick Rivas-GiorgiBonusesTotalTUDanny HanVishal KanigicherlaAnirudh BharadwajIvvone ZhouBonusesTotal
10 82010103010
-5 7325210 12510101040
25310 700101070
-5 12620410 130101010110
10 740100405110
10 820100606110
10 640100807110
80810 700100130
-5 11475910 1491000150
751010 5010100180
0 11075110 110180
10 631010010512180
1051310 7110100210
10 1100101013514-5 40205
10 5310101017515205
1751610 7501010235
1751710 600100255
1751810 6510010285
10 51001019519285
1952010 7810010315
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text