2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh

Round 4: Penn B vs. Penn State B

Penn B


Zachary Leblang1010
Vedh Ramesh4040
Vincent Zhang6060
Elis Ziyadeh2115
13 bonuses for 160 points (12.31 PPB)

Penn State B


Thomas Flexer3220
Robert Wang1010
Victor Bender000
4 bonuses for 60 points (15 PPB)

Zachary LeblangVedh RameshVincent ZhangElis ZiyadehBonusesTotalTUThomas FlexerRobert WangVictor BenderBonusesTotal
10 7900102010
10 1341010106020
10 1210010803-5 104-5
10 8500101004-5
100510 117100015
10 117000110615
10 1171000130715
10 1390010150815
10 56010101801015
10 7401002001115
10 9110002201215
22013-5 8110
10 138101002501410
10 9510002701510
2701610 112001030
2701710 1381010060
10 11100102901860
-5 752851910 1211001090
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text