2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 12: Auburn B vs. Auburn C

Auburn C


Brandon Hunt5050
Coy Mier4040
Zach Miller000
Matthew Bray2020
11 bonuses for 100 points (9.09 PPB)

Auburn B


TJ Pickering1010
Lawson Macfall01-5
Abby Tipton3030
4 bonuses for 30 points (7.5 PPB)

Brandon HuntCoy MierZach MillerMatthew BrayBonusesTotalTUTJ PickeringLawson MacfallAbby TiptonBonusesTotal
10 11701002010
10 1340003020
0 121303-5 33-5
10 1030010504-5
10 1080010705-5
0 1297060 129-5
70710 116100015
70810 13900025
10 12300080925
801010 41001045
10 9801001001145
10 9101001201245
1201310 117100065
0 138120140 13865
10 105010101501565
10 12810001701665
0 143170170 14365
10 13400101901865
10 12110002101965
0 105210200 10565
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text