2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 11: Emory A vs. Georgia Tech A

Georgia Tech A


Euan Ham1010
Tianyu Xu3030
Michael Zhou120
Matthew Sumanen2115
7 bonuses for 110 points (15.71 PPB)

Emory A


Luke Zhang9185
Zachary Kant1010
Cohen Wiegers3030
Amogh Kulkarni000
13 bonuses for 250 points (19.23 PPB)

Euan HamTianyu XuMichael ZhouMatthew SumanenBonusesTotalTULuke ZhangZachary KantCohen WiegersAmogh KulkarniBonusesTotal
0110 80001020
-5 73-5210 1251010050
-5 103-10310 1220101080
-10410 6110010110
10 801000105110
10 12310100406-5 58105
40710 58101010145
40810 670100165
40910 6310100195
401010 53101010235
401110 6201010265
10 8310006012265
601310 120101010305
10 6810008014305
10 801010011015305
1101610 520010325
-5 861051710 11810010355
1051810 480100375
10 1161010013519375
10 891010016520375
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text