2024 ACF Winter at Clemson

Round 3: Emory A vs. Georgia Tech E

Emory A


Luke Zhang4230
Zachary Kant120
Cohen Wiegers2020
7 bonuses for 70 points (10 PPB)

Georgia Tech E


Zach Tseng5050
Cole Welch3220
Alex Thomas4135
Aaryan Tomar000
12 bonuses for 160 points (13.33 PPB)

Luke ZhangZachary KantCohen WiegersBonusesTotalTUZach TsengCole WelchAlex ThomasAaryan TomarBonusesTotal
0110 105001020
10 1250010202-5 3815
-5 4415310 118001035
15410 1301001065
10 74010035565
35610 69010085
35710 6510100115
10 3810100658115
10 129000759115
751010 730100135
0 1107511-5 85130
751210 830100150
-5 103701310 1420100170
701410 520100190
10 531010010015190
10 138001012016-5 91185
-5 921151710 1220100205
1151810 12310010235
10 5000012519235
-5 551202010 7010010265
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text