2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 12: Notre Dame A vs. Purdue C

Notre Dame A


Noah McRedmond5050
Sam McNamee4040
Max Kolda3125
Christopher Joseph2115
14 bonuses for 160 points (11.43 PPB)

Purdue C


Owyn Noble13-5
Aneesh Shrotriya4040
5 bonuses for 40 points (8 PPB)

Noah McRedmondSam McNameeMax KoldaChristopher JosephBonusesTotalTUOwyn NobleAneesh ShrotriyaBonusesTotal
10 5901002010
10 87100105020
-5 9745310 111100020
10 1240100654-5 4315
10 59100085515
10 10201001056-5 5410
10 980010125710
10 1210100145810
10 11200101651010
1651110 88010030
10 130101001951230
10 136010021513-5 12425
10 4901002351425
-5 442301510 91100045
2301610 11600055
10 71100102601755
10 420002701855
10 12300102901955
2902010 95001075
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text