2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 12: Purdue D vs. Chicago D

Purdue D


Hayden Willett1010
Davis Johnson4420
David Thomas000
Samson Vickrey000
5 bonuses for 50 points (10 PPB)

Chicago D


Carter Herron5050
Sophia Gnadinger3030
Emily Zen2020
Emmett Cho2115
12 bonuses for 180 points (15 PPB)

Hayden WillettDavis JohnsonDavid ThomasSamson VickreyBonusesTotalTUCarter HerronSophia GnadingerEmily ZenEmmett ChoBonusesTotal
0 12901-5 119-5
0210 931010025
10 112100020325
20410 116100045
10 117010040545
10 112100060645
60710 44010065
60810 105001085
-5 345590 11685
551010 960100105
551110 1000100125
551210 10810100155
551310 10310100185
551410 1230100205
10 11901007515205
-5 8870160 128205
701710 1141000225
-5 91651810 111101010265
-5 91601910 12910010295
10 9510008020295
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text