2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 12: Indiana B vs. Miami-Ohio A

Indiana B


Trenton Burgess2115
Nermeen Rahman6250
8 bonuses for 110 points (13.75 PPB)

Miami-Ohio A


Francis Bernhardt6060
Evan Davies6060
Connor McClelland000
Lucas Gagen000
12 bonuses for 170 points (14.17 PPB)

Trenton BurgessNermeen RahmanBonusesTotalTUFrancis BernhardtEvan DaviesConnor McClellandLucas GagenBonusesTotal
0110 100010020
10 7410101040220
10 11200050320
10 871010080420
10 14200090520
10 11210100120620
120710 113001040
10 980100140840
140910 11200050
1401010 941010080
1401110 8010100110
10 128010016012110
1601310 1260100130
1601410 1251000150
1601510 1370100170
-5 761551610 12810010200
-5 1221501710 12410010230
10 1000101018018230
-5 1021751910 1290010250
1752010 104101010290
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text