2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern

Round 12: Illinois A vs. WUSTL B



John John Groger3125
Jeremy Cummings3030
Neal Joshi115
June Yin1010
8 bonuses for 170 points (21.25 PPB)

Illinois A


Max Brodsky3030
Akshar Goyal3125
Justin Wytmar1010
Michael Hunding5050
12 bonuses for 270 points (22.5 PPB)

John John GrogerJeremy CummingsNeal JoshiJune YinBonusesTotalTUMax BrodskyAkshar GoyalJustin WytmarMichael HundingBonusesTotal
0110 8510101040
10 12110010302-5 9635
10 1350101060335
10 811001090435
90510 980101065
90610 89101010105
-5 5485710 11901010135
10 131010101258135
125910 44101010175
1251010 490100195
10 72001014511195
-5 871401210 12601010225
10 890101017013225
1701410 57101010265
1701510 74101010305
1701610 3210100335
1701710 8610010365
1701810 600010385
10 611001020019385
10 11210101024020385
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text