2024 ACF Winter at UC Berkeley

Round 9: Stanford A vs. Stanford L

Stanford A


Ethan Bosita6345
Ryan Fang4135
Christine Liu000
Ben Marek1010
11 bonuses for 110 points (10 PPB)

Stanford L


Allan Lee3030
Katherine Lei4040
Denis Liu2020
Elaine Liu000
9 bonuses for 190 points (21.11 PPB)

Ethan BositaRyan FangChristine LiuBen MarekBonusesTotalTUAllan LeeKatherine LeiDenis LiuElaine LiuBonusesTotal
10 6101002010
10 6700104020
10 4500106030
-5 5355410 1271001030
10 54010075530
10 6810100105630
-5 85100710 1380101060
100810 391001090
10 5910100130990
1301010 93101010130
1301110 10101010160
10 6100014012160
-5 281351310 1190100180
10 9400014514180
10 1151010017515180
-5 1011701610 12910100210
1701710 7701010240
10 6900018018240
1801910 60101010280
10 42001020020280
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text