2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 11: Cambridge B vs. Imperial A

Cambridge B


Andrei Hui3220
Ben LaFond2020
Linus Luu1010
Rachel Bentham000
6 bonuses for 130 points (21.67 PPB)

Imperial A


Owen Iredale4040
Justin Keung1010
Oscar O'Flanagan2115
Justin Lee6060
13 bonuses for 230 points (17.69 PPB)

Andrei HuiBen LaFondLinus LuuRachel BenthamBonusesTotalTUOwen IredaleJustin KeungOscar O'FlanaganJustin LeeBonusesTotal
10 55101003010
-5 6725210 1361001030
25310 730101060
25410 117100080
25510 68101010120
25610 450010140
10 1230100457-5 72135
45810 3501010165
45910 51101010205
-5 1314010205
401110 7410010235
10 110101007012235
701310 7701010265
10 6910101011014265
10 8510101015015265
1501610 44000275
1501710 4901010305
1501810 570010325
10 1291001018019325
1802010 12910100355
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text