2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 4: Oxford A vs. Warwick A

Warwick A


Adsayan Ganesh1010
Chris Levesley1010
Lucas Johns2020
Odysseas Gabrielatos1010
5 bonuses for 50 points (10 PPB)

Oxford A


Delia Cropper2020
Eveline Ong3125
Omer Keskin8175
Ved Muthusamy2020
15 bonuses for 310 points (20.67 PPB)

Adsayan GaneshChris LevesleyLucas JohnsOdysseas GabrielatosBonusesTotalTUDelia CropperEveline OngOmer KeskinVed MuthusamyBonusesTotal
0110 650101030
0210 7310101070
0310 84101010110
0410 671000130
0510 811000150
0610 6010100180
10 760010207180
10 1440100408-5 102175
40910 921000195
401010 940010215
10 7501006011215
601210 6810100245
10 10010008013245
801410 77101010285
801510 9710100315
801610 68101010355
801710 79101010395
10 120010010018-5 79390
1001910 48101010430
1002010 150100450
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text