2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 4: Cambridge D vs. Vanderbilt A

Cambridge D


Percy Yuen000
Ben Atchison000
Alessandro d'Attanasio5050
Piers Marchant3030
8 bonuses for 110 points (13.75 PPB)

Vanderbilt A


Gavin Markoff124100
12 bonuses for 130 points (10.83 PPB)

Percy YuenBen AtchisonAlessandro d'AttanasioPiers MarchantBonusesTotalTUGavin MarkoffBonusesTotal
10 45010103010
10 125101010702-5 77-5
10 950010903-5
90410 95100015
90510 11000025
10 9810001106-5 9120
10 13600101307-5 12315
130810 102010035
130910 891010065
1301010 124001085
1301110 1130100105
1301210 1141000125
10 90100015013125
10 107100017014125
1701510 1310100145
1701610 560010165
1701710 831000185
1701810 820100205
1701910 9910100235
10 129010019020-5 127230
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text