2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 1: Durham B vs. Oxford A

Oxford A


Ved Muthusamy01-5
Delia Cropper5050
Omer Keskin8175
Eveline Ong2115
15 bonuses for 350 points (23.33 PPB)

Durham B


Luke Nash1010
Matteo Fronduti01-5
Amelia Rees000
Sophie Hughes3030
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Ved MuthusamyDelia CropperOmer KeskinEveline OngBonusesTotalTULuke NashMatteo FrondutiAmelia ReesSophie HughesBonusesTotal
10 35101003010
10 1371010107020
10 151001010030
-5 5895410 12110101040
10 8510100125540
10 77101010165640
165710 85100060
165810 80010080
10 3901010195980
10 721010102351080
10 73101002651180
-5 862601210 10800090
10 791010103001390
10 6101003201490
-5 44315150 11290
10 1360101034516-5 8085
10 1161010103851785
10 56010104151885
10 621010104551985
10 40101004852085
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text