2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 1: Vanderbilt A vs. Warwick A

Warwick A


Adsayan Ganesh2020
Chris Levesley6155
Lucas Johns3125
Odysseas Gabrielatos1010
12 bonuses for 200 points (16.67 PPB)

Vanderbilt A


Gavin Markoff8460
8 bonuses for 130 points (16.25 PPB)

Adsayan GaneshChris LevesleyLucas JohnsOdysseas GabrielatosBonusesTotalTUGavin MarkoffBonusesTotal
10 14210100301-5 90-5
30210 14110101035
10 721001060335
60410 102001055
60510 811010085
60610 660100105
10 890100807105
10 6201001008105
10 88010101309105
10 39001015010105
10 51010017011105
10 108001019012-5 85100
10 1321001022013-5 10695
2201410 1120100115
10 620101025015115
2501610 1121000135
10 1430101028017-5 98130
-5 282751810 121101010170
-5 902701910 1260100190
10 6010101031020190
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text