2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 1: Manchester A vs. Southampton B

Southampton B


Benedykt Chodzko-Zajko2020
Mata Cooper000
Joel Dicker1010
Michael Wu5145
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Manchester A


Yashika Bhatra000
Enoch Boateng115
Nathan Easow01-5
Kai Madgwick110110
12 bonuses for 190 points (15.83 PPB)

Benedykt Chodzko-ZajkoMata CooperJoel DickerMichael WuBonusesTotalTUYashika BhatraEnoch BoatengNathan EasowKai MadgwickBonusesTotal
0110 331010030
0210 99010050
10 83001020350
10 111001040450
40510 811010080
40610 980100100
10 1240100607-5 7995
10 42010080895
10 8601010110995
1101010 960010115
1101110 14110100145
1101210 710010165
1101310 12210010195
-5 1081051410 1350100215
1051510 42101010255
1051610 911000275
10 127010012517275
10 90010014518275
10 1261010017519-5 85270
1752010 7301010300
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text