2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 1: Imperial B vs. Southampton A

Imperial B


Joseph Collins2115
Gus Redding6060
Charlie Lowman1010
9 bonuses for 120 points (13.33 PPB)

Southampton A


Zayyan Mahmood2210
Cormac Stephenson03-15
Zosia Mikolajczuk3030
Christian Sherrington2020
7 bonuses for 140 points (20 PPB)

Joseph CollinsGus ReddingCharlie LowmanBonusesTotalTUZayyan MahmoodCormac StephensonZosia MikolajczukChristian SherringtonBonusesTotal
0110 50100020
0210 141010040
10 88001020340
0 121204-5 8235
10 1320010405-5 8030
40610 1020101060
40710 83101010100
40810 47101010140
0 1284090 128140
10 12901006010140
10 148010109011140
10 1080101012012-5 90135
10 131010014013-5 70130
0 135140140 135130
10 62001016015130
1601610 12401010160
0 143160170 143160
10 121010018018-5 69155
-5 941751910 12601010185
10 601001020520185
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text