2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 11: Alabama A vs. Clemson B

Clemson B


Henry Turner3125
John Shields2210
Ava Del Collo2020
Shawn Richardson1010
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Alabama A


Nathan McWilliams1010
Britton Webster8175
Dylan Missal1010
10 bonuses for 180 points (18 PPB)

Henry TurnerJohn ShieldsAva Del ColloShawn RichardsonBonusesTotalTUNathan McWilliamsBritton WebsterDylan MissalBonusesTotal
-5 31-5110 106010020
-5210 9510101060
-5 73-1030 10360
-10410 1241010090
0 118-105-5 10885
10 521001020685
20710 9610010115
-5 5615810 10101010145
15910 1220100165
10 3401003510165
10 591010107511165
751210 770100185
10 321010010513185
1051410 6210100215
10 74010012515215
10 1010100145160 101215
10 441001017517215
1751810 7010100245
10 6700018519245
1852010 9610100275
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text