2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 11: Emory A vs. South Carolina B

Emory A


Tarun Koti7070
Zachary Kant3030
Ethan Altshul2115
Cohen Wiegers3125
15 bonuses for 310 points (20.67 PPB)

South Carolina B


Connor Ronan120
John Mcqueen3030
Robert Freeman1010
5 bonuses for 90 points (18 PPB)

Tarun KotiZachary KantEthan AltshulCohen WiegersBonusesTotalTUConnor RonanJohn McqueenRobert FreemanBonusesTotal
10 4410002010
10 41101005020
10 70010108030
10 4510101012040
10 921001015050
10 3510101019060
10 95010021070
10 101101002408-5 76-5
10 122101002709-5 96-10
-5 412651010 116010010
10 64101002951110
10 65101003251210
10 811010103651310
10 741010104051410
10 74100104351510
10 10001004551610
4551710 43010030
4551810 72010050
4551910 9610101090
-5 374502010 124101010130
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text