2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 11: Belmont University A vs. Clemson A

Belmont University A


Tommy Nguyen2020
Brahm Gianiodis2020
Justin Hetrick4040
Brady Pinter120
9 bonuses for 160 points (17.78 PPB)

Clemson A


Gannon Rice3125
Asheton Wilbanks115
Abby Helmueller115
Dylan Spearman3030
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Tommy NguyenBrahm GianiodisJustin HetrickBrady PinterBonusesTotalTUGannon RiceAsheton WilbanksAbby HelmuellerDylan SpearmanBonusesTotal
10 6310002010
10 1001010106020
10 6901008030
10 1241001011040 1240
0 11811050 1180
10 451001014060
10 96010101707-5 85-5
170810 69010015
-5 10416590 12215
10 30101001951015
10 1131010022511-5 2710
0 96225120 9610
10 122010024513-5 515
2451410 77010025
2451510 68010045
2451610 1011010075
2451710 6001010105
2451810 611000125
-5 682401910 1111000145
2402010 1070100165
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text