2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 11: Georgia Tech E vs. Tennessee A

Georgia Tech E


Clark Quenzler000
Allen Xu5050
Arhith Dharanendra3220
Peter Chen000
8 bonuses for 160 points (20 PPB)

Tennessee A


Griffin Elder5145
Alex Wyrick4040
Parker McCoig2210
Anthony Nakhoul1010
12 bonuses for 270 points (22.5 PPB)

Clark QuenzlerAllen XuArhith DharanendraPeter ChenBonusesTotalTUGriffin ElderAlex WyrickParker McCoigAnthony NakhoulBonusesTotal
0110 571010030
10 7210101040230
40310 70010050
40410 4510101090
40510 94101010130
-5 5235610 79101010170
10 79101010757170
10 101101001058-5 27165
10 12210001259-5 51160
1251010 2501010190
1251110 5210100220
10 961010015512-5 37215
1551310 9210100245
1551410 61101010285
1551510 2210010315
10 231010018516315
10 84010020517315
10 721010023518315
-5 932301910 9410100345
2302010 9501010375
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text