2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 10: Clemson B vs. Furman A

Clemson B


Ava Del Collo4040
Ryon Peddapalli000
Shawn Richardson000
John Shields7165
11 bonuses for 170 points (15.45 PPB)

Furman A


Thomas Hydorn1010
Claire Leuthner-Barrineau2020
Hayes Brown5335
8 bonuses for 140 points (17.5 PPB)

Ava Del ColloRyon PeddapalliShawn RichardsonJohn ShieldsBonusesTotalTUThomas HydornClaire Leuthner-BarrineauHayes BrownBonusesTotal
10 102101003010
10 65100106020
10 5200108030
10 950101011040
110510 831010030
10 9300101306-5 3525
-5 101125710 1031010055
125810 761001085
125910 12200095
10 5100101451095
14511-5 6490
10 56010101751290
1751310 10901010120
10 691001020514120
10 85010022515120
2251610 890010140
2251710 7001010170
2251810 104101010210
10 1240101025519-5 76205
10 88100027520205
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text