2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 10: Auburn C vs. Tennessee B

Tennessee B


Max Morgan000
Nathan Whittington115
Allison Fisher000
Alina Moore5145
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

Auburn C


Zach Miller2020
Matthew Bray01-5
Brandon Hunt115
Coy Mier7355
10 bonuses for 130 points (13 PPB)

Max MorganNathan WhittingtonAllison FisherAlina MooreBonusesTotalTUZach MillerMatthew BrayBrandon HuntCoy MierBonusesTotal
0110 84100020
0210 981001050
0310 81001070
10 10301010304-5 7165
30510 8200075
-5 4825610 93001095
10 1031000457-5 5590
45810 5801010120
0 1224590 122120
4510-5 102115
-5 10640110 108115
10 560005012115
0 12250130 122115
501410 6910010145
10 12001007015-5 100140
701610 1050100160
10 10710009017-5 102155
10 1201010012018155
0 1241201910 1240010175
1202010 9301010205
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text