2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 10: Georgia Tech E vs. South Carolina A

South Carolina A


Braeden Laroche3030
Benny Shtutman2020
Sean Jackson4040
Kabir Zaman4040
13 bonuses for 230 points (17.69 PPB)

Georgia Tech E


Clark Quenzler000
Allen Xu2115
Arhith Dharanendra4040
Peter Chen1010
7 bonuses for 130 points (18.57 PPB)

Braeden LarocheBenny ShtutmanSean JacksonKabir ZamanBonusesTotalTUClark QuenzlerAllen XuArhith DharanendraPeter ChenBonusesTotal
0110 57100020
10 471001030220
10 751001060320
10 86101010100420
100510 361010050
10 910010120650
10 8510100150750
10 61101010190850
10 108000200950
10 11210101024010-5 5745
2401110 4910101085
2401210 6801010115
10 77100026013115
10 631010029014115
10 62001031015115
10 890101034016115
3401710 7110100145
3401810 910010165
3401910 12310100195
10 82001036020195
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text