2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 9: Belmont University A vs. Southern A

Southern A


Akajiugo Amucheazi7260
Earielle London000
Jeffery Floyd115
Noland Johnson000
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Belmont University A


Brady Pinter2020
Justin Hetrick5335
Brahm Gianiodis000
Tommy Nguyen3030
10 bonuses for 110 points (11 PPB)

Akajiugo AmucheaziEarielle LondonJeffery FloydNoland JohnsonBonusesTotalTUBrady PinterJustin HetrickBrahm GianiodisTommy NguyenBonusesTotal
0 11901-5 95-5
10 1050010202-5 91-10
20310 1121010020
-5 6415410 971010050
0 1131550 11350
10 971010045650
45710 73001070
10 82100065870
-5 5160910 118100090
10 490100801090
801110 99000100
801210 1160100120
801310 1160100140
801410 1141000160
10 12410101012015-5 82155
-5 641151610 114000165
10 58010013517165
10 117010015518165
1551910 5710010195
10 981001018520195
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text