2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 9: Emory Oxford vs. Vanderbilt A

Emory Oxford


Paawan Patel2020
Daniel Chen5145
Mac Dixon2020
9 bonuses for 150 points (16.67 PPB)

Vanderbilt A


Yuxuan Lu7260
Blake Enwiller1010
Sarah Patel120
Zander Schwartz2020
11 bonuses for 190 points (17.27 PPB)

Paawan PatelDaniel ChenMac DixonBonusesTotalTUYuxuan LuBlake EnwillerSarah PatelZander SchwartzBonusesTotal
0110 47001020
0210 481010050
0310 901010080
0410 4910100110
0510 3601010140
0610 851000160
10 611000207160
10 750100408160
10 11810100709-5 45155
701010 490010175
701110 840100195
10 11610009012-5 87190
10 76001011013190
10 1241010014014-5 77185
10 930101017015185
10 1141010020016-5 37180
10 9410101024017180
2401810 117101010220
2401910 4610010250
-5 482352010 9810100280
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text