2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 8: Clemson B vs. Emory Oxford

Clemson B


Ryon Peddapalli000
Henry Turner000
John Shields2020
Shawn Richardson4135
Ava Del Collo000
6 bonuses for 120 points (20 PPB)

Emory Oxford


Mac Dixon2020
Paawan Patel115
Daniel Chen8270
11 bonuses for 190 points (17.27 PPB)

Ryon PeddapalliHenry TurnerJohn ShieldsShawn RichardsonAva Del ColloBonusesTotalTUMac DixonPaawan PatelDaniel ChenBonusesTotal
10 47101003010
10 49101006020
10 122100109030
10 101100101204-5 65-5
120510 9010101035
120610 100100055
120710 730101085
120810 59101010125
120910 6210100155
1201010 471000175
10 430101015011175
-5 551451310 11210010205
14514-5 77200
1451510 490100220
1451710 330010240
10 1051010017518-5 44235
1751910 11001010265
1752010 651000285
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text