2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 8: Southern A vs. Vanderbilt B

Vanderbilt B


Colin Vess2020
Sambodh Sinha5145
James Zhao2020
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

Southern A


Knykolas Ross01-5
Earielle London000
Ca Myra Dalton1010
Akajiugo Amucheazi4135
Jeffery Floyd3125
8 bonuses for 70 points (8.75 PPB)

Colin VessSambodh SinhaJames ZhaoBonusesTotalTUKnykolas RossEarielle LondonCa Myra DaltonAkajiugo AmucheaziJeffery FloydBonusesTotal
10 1041000201-5 46-5
20310 101010015
10 90100040415
40510 1141001045
40610 11300055
10 990100607-5 6950
10 9100070850
10 7010010100950
10 6001001201050
10 96100014011-5 2145
0 114140120 11445
1401310 7600055
0 1121401455
10 6000101601555
0 102160160 10255
1601710 76010075
1601810 9200085
10 11401010190190 11485
-5 411852010 601000105
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text