2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 8: Belmont University A vs. South Carolina A

South Carolina A


Kabir Zaman4040
Sean Jackson6060
Benny Shtutman1010
Braeden Laroche115
12 bonuses for 210 points (17.5 PPB)

Belmont University A


Justin Hetrick2210
Brady Pinter115
Brahm Gianiodis3030
Tommy Nguyen115
7 bonuses for 120 points (17.14 PPB)

Kabir ZamanSean JacksonBenny ShtutmanBraeden LarocheBonusesTotalTUJustin HetrickBrady PinterBrahm GianiodisTommy NguyenBonusesTotal
0110 104010020
0210 69010040
10 7510101040340
10 901001070440
10 1171010101105-5 9635
10 580100130635
10 360100150735
150810 3110101075
10 660100170975
10 1141001020010-5 7170
10 4310101024011-5 3065
10 9800102601265
-5 442551310 79101010105
10 111001027514105
10 95100029515-5 57100
0 10229516100
2951710 2801010130
2951810 921000150
10 450101032519150
3252010 600100170
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text