2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 7: Auburn B vs. South Carolina B

South Carolina B


Robert Freeman3125
Connor Ronan4040
John Mcqueen8080
15 bonuses for 220 points (14.67 PPB)

Auburn B


Zeke Collins000
TJ Pickering120
Jack Ogletree4040
5 bonuses for 80 points (16 PPB)

Robert FreemanConnor RonanJohn McqueenBonusesTotalTUZeke CollinsTJ PickeringJack OgletreeBonusesTotal
10 97101010401-5 97-5
40210 481001025
10 371010070325
10 11000080425
10 106101010120525
10 118101001506-5 6520
10 510010170720
10 8510100200820
10 801000220920
10 105101002501020
10 76010102801120
10 9010003001220
10 8010003201320
3201410 6200030
10 950003301530
3301610 911010060
3301710 88101010100
10 103100035018100
10 126010037019100
-5 603652010 1000010120
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text