2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 7: Auburn A vs. Belmont University A

Auburn A


Will Hughes6060
Henry Bylinowski7260
Abby Tipton000
Gabi Smith3030
16 bonuses for 330 points (20.63 PPB)

Belmont University A


Tommy Nguyen000
Brahm Gianiodis000
Brady Pinter1010
Justin Hetrick2020
3 bonuses for 30 points (10 PPB)

Will HughesHenry BylinowskiAbby TiptonGabi SmithBonusesTotalTUTommy NguyenBrahm GianiodisBrady PinterJustin HetrickBonusesTotal
-5 71-5110 1051001030
10 481001025230
10 4810101065330
10 74010085430
10 113101010125530
125610 78100050
10 310010145750
10 7501010175850
10 71101010215950
-5 402101050
10 641010102501150
10 72010102801250
10 69100103101350
10 6210003301450
10 6101003501550
3501610 10300060
10 691010103901760
10 44010104201860
10 9610004401960
10 691010104802060
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text