2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 7: Tennessee A vs. Vanderbilt B

Vanderbilt B


Colin Vess2020
Sambodh Sinha1010
James Zhao2210
5 bonuses for 90 points (18 PPB)

Tennessee A


Anthony Nakhoul000
Parker McCoig3030
Alex Wyrick8175
Griffin Elder4040
15 bonuses for 300 points (20 PPB)

Colin VessSambodh SinhaJames ZhaoBonusesTotalTUAnthony NakhoulParker McCoigAlex WyrickGriffin ElderBonusesTotal
0110 4810101040
-5 48-5210 1181001070
-5310 1710100100
-5410 9710100130
10 140100155130
15610 770100150
15710 220010170
15810 860010190
15910 8710100220
151010 111101010260
151110 4801010290
151210 84101010330
151310 5210100360
10 781010105514360
551510 450100380
551610 3610100410
10 8901007517410
10 1031001010518-5 57405
-5 911001910 126101010445
10 691001013020445
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text