2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 5: Clemson B vs. South Carolina A

South Carolina A


Kabir Zaman3030
Sean Jackson2115
Benny Shtutman115
Braeden Laroche4135
10 bonuses for 230 points (23 PPB)

Clemson B


John Shields4040
Henry Turner000
Ryon Peddapalli01-5
Shawn Richardson4135
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Kabir ZamanSean JacksonBenny ShtutmanBraeden LarocheBonusesTotalTUJohn ShieldsHenry TurnerRyon PeddapalliShawn RichardsonBonusesTotal
0110 580101030
0210 86010050
10 420101030350
10 10610101070450
10 90001090550
90610 50001070
-5 10585770
10 108100101158-5 5365
10 2801010145965
10 651010101851065
10 1001010021511-5 7960
10 541010102551260
2551310 83010080
10 841010102951480
-5 792901580
2901610 350100100
2901710 500010120
10 1191010032018120
-5 723151910 10710100150
3152010 880100170
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text