2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 4: Belmont University A vs. Emory A

Belmont University A


Brady Pinter1010
Justin Hetrick3030
Brahm Gianiodis1010
Tommy Nguyen1010
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

Emory A


Tarun Koti4040
Zachary Kant25-5
Ethan Altshul5050
Cohen Wiegers3030
14 bonuses for 270 points (19.29 PPB)

Brady PinterJustin HetrickBrahm GianiodisTommy NguyenBonusesTotalTUTarun KotiZachary KantEthan AltshulCohen WiegersBonusesTotal
0110 551001030
10 59010020230
10 11210100503-5 9725
50410 831010055
10 10101010805-5 4950
80610 7010101090
80710 8610100120
10 115000908-5 54115
90910 1010010135
901010 951000155
901110 5010100185
901210 5010100215
901310 7801010245
901410 7210010275
901510 5610100305
901610 920010325
901710 10601010355
10 100001011018-5 52350
1101910 71101010390
10 86001013020-5 62385
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text