2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 4: Southern A vs. Tennessee A

Tennessee A


Anthony Nakhoul1010
Parker McCoig3220
Alex Wyrick9090
Griffin Elder2020
15 bonuses for 320 points (21.33 PPB)

Southern A


Akajiugo Amucheazi3030
Earielle London01-5
Noland Johnson000
Jeffery Floyd01-5
3 bonuses for 40 points (13.33 PPB)

Anthony NakhoulParker McCoigAlex WyrickGriffin ElderBonusesTotalTUAkajiugo AmucheaziEarielle LondonNoland JohnsonJeffery FloydBonusesTotal
10 70010103010
10 511010107020
10 111101001003-5 76-5
10 691010101404-5
10 3001001605-5
10 7301001806-5
10 86101002107-5
10 831010102508-5
0 912509-5 60-10
10 741001028010-10
10 5510101032011-10
10 831010035012-10
3501310 110100010
10 69010103801410
-5 483751510 1020101040
10 1001010104151640
-5 71410170 10740
4101810 35001060
10 7301004301960
10 62010104602060
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text