2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 3: Belmont University A vs. Clemson B

Belmont University A


Brady Pinter1010
Justin Hetrick5050
Brahm Gianiodis2020
Tommy Nguyen000
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Clemson B


John Shields3125
Ryon Peddapalli1010
Ava Del Collo2020
Shawn Richardson3220
9 bonuses for 110 points (12.22 PPB)

Brady PinterJustin HetrickBrahm GianiodisTommy NguyenBonusesTotalTUJohn ShieldsRyon PeddapalliAva Del ColloShawn RichardsonBonusesTotal
0 107010 1070
0 10802-5 103-5
0310 741001025
0410 77100045
10 1090101030545
30610 76001065
10 10200040765
40810 1121010095
10 1001000609-5 4890
10 1100010801090
801110 780100110
801210 6701010140
10 92001010013140
10 85010012014140
0 124120150 124140
1201610 1080100160
1201710 740100180
10 1131001015018180
1501910 670100200
10 9616020-5 43195
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text