2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 3: Auburn B vs. Southern A

Auburn B


Zeke Collins000
Jack Ogletree6060
TJ Pickering5240
11 bonuses for 120 points (10.91 PPB)

Southern A


Knykolas Ross1010
Akajiugo Amucheazi5050
Noland Johnson115
Jeffery Floyd2020
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

Zeke CollinsJack OgletreeTJ PickeringBonusesTotalTUKnykolas RossAkajiugo AmucheaziNoland JohnsonJeffery FloydBonusesTotal
0110 107100020
0210 91100040
-5 113-5310 115100060
10 57010015460
10 106001035560
35610 100100080
10 75010055780
10 11210007580 11280
10 840010959-5 6275
-5 101901010 10110100105
10 73010011011105
10 107001013012105
10 105010015013105
10 86010017014105
1701510 124000115
10 1001001020016115
2001710 810100135
10 110100022018135
2201910 590100155
2202010 670100175
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text