2024 ACF Fall at Georgia

Round 2: Georgia Tech D vs. Tennessee A

Georgia Tech D


Joshua Davenport1010
Jeffery Xu100100
Joanna Xiao000
Ayan Guha02-10
11 bonuses for 220 points (20 PPB)

Tennessee A


Alex Wyrick4040
Parker McCoig2115
Anthony Nakhoul1010
Griffin Elder2020
9 bonuses for 190 points (21.11 PPB)

Joshua DavenportJeffery XuJoanna XiaoAyan GuhaBonusesTotalTUAlex WyrickParker McCoigAnthony NakhoulGriffin ElderBonusesTotal
10 510001010
10 11210100402-5 57-5
40310 16010015
10 4610101080415
80510 621010045
80610 3910101085
80710 27101010125
-5 2875810 107101010165
10 460010959165
951010 410100185
10 741010012511185
10 4210101016512185
10 721010019513185
1951410 341000205
-5 131901510 49101010245
10 2210101023016245
10 46010025017245
10 6210101029018245
2901910 4410100275
10 70101032020275
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text