2024 ACF Fall at Washington

Round 8: Boise State A vs. UW Lust

UW Lust


Akshath Srinivasan2020
Carson Kessler3315
Haylee Weisner3030
8 bonuses for 150 points (18.75 PPB)

Boise State A


Allison Howard115
Jacob Bieri8270
9 bonuses for 170 points (18.89 PPB)

Akshath SrinivasanCarson KesslerHaylee WeisnerBonusesTotalTUAllison HowardJacob BieriBonusesTotal
0 11701-5 94-5
10 671000202-5
10 10510010503-5 79-10
50410 92001010
50510 8810101050
10 931010080650
-5 8975710 103001070
10 8110010105870
-5 8610090 12270
10 11210101014010-5 6265
1401110 710101095
10 73100101701295
10 81010102001395
2001410 7401010125
10 68100022015125
2201610 95101010165
2201710 770010185
-5 812151810 12001010215
0 124215190 124215
2152010 9710100245
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text