2024 ACF Fall at Washington

Round 5: UW Lust vs. UW Pride

UW Lust


Akshath Srinivasan3125
Carson Kessler2115
Haylee Weisner4040
9 bonuses for 160 points (17.78 PPB)

UW Pride


Alex Hestermann3220
Luke Strole5145
Simarya Ahuja115
Towa Nakano-Harris1010
10 bonuses for 190 points (19 PPB)

Akshath SrinivasanCarson KesslerHaylee WeisnerBonusesTotalTUAlex HestermannLuke StroleSimarya AhujaTowa Nakano-HarrisBonusesTotal
10 9801002010
10 671010106020
60310 11210101040
-5 2555410 1111010070
55510 2010010100
55610 113101010140
55710 8701010170
55810 4510100200
10 11010010859-5 49195
0 1158510-5 109190
10 84100010511190
1051210 8210100220
10 611001013513220
10 7410101017514220
1751510 501000240
10 64001019516240
-5 401901710 951000260
10 99001021018-5 62255
2101910 1031000275
10 1001001024020-5 47270
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text