2024 ACF Fall at Cornell

Round 10: Cornell C vs. Syracuse A

Cornell C


Orion Hoch1010
Pranaav Senthilkumar130130
Joshua Rafaeil1010
15 bonuses for 310 points (20.67 PPB)

Syracuse A


Aksel Malatak000
Alec West4135
Carlos Gonzalez1010
5 bonuses for 100 points (20 PPB)

Orion HochPranaav SenthilkumarJoshua RafaeilBonusesTotalTUAksel MalatakAlec WestCarlos GonzalezBonusesTotal
10 22100103010
10 24100106020
60310 4910101040
10 730101090440
10 8010100120540
10 68101010160640
160710 81100060
10 38101010200860
10 108101010240960
10 821010102801060
10 71101003101160
3101210 550101090
10 62100103401390
10 72010103701490
10 8300103901590
3901610 3701010120
3901710 6610100150
10 119001041018-5 66145
10 1061010044019145
10 20001046020145
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text