2024 ACF Fall at Cornell

Round 7: Cornell D vs. RIT B

Cornell D


Alec Riso8270
Michael Ge2020
Scott Coonrod000
10 bonuses for 160 points (16 PPB)



Chris Scheri2115
Greg Reiser000
Quinn Vaughen2020
Will Hoover4325
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Alec RisoMichael GeScott CoonrodBonusesTotalTUChris ScheriGreg ReiserQuinn VaughenWill HooverBonusesTotal
10 441010104010
40210 4810101040
40310 421010070
40410 8900080
10 32010060580
0 119606-5 3275
-5 1955710 9810100105
10 630010758105
-5 5270910 1100010125
7010-5 99120
10 481010010011120
10 1061010013012-5 86115
10 480101016013115
1601410 381000135
10 1051010019015-5 74130
10 69010021016130
10 8400022017130
2201810 540100150
2201910 10601010180
10 611001025020180
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text