2024 ACF Fall at Cornell

Round 3: Cornell C vs. RIT B

Cornell C


Orion Hoch01-5
Pranaav Senthilkumar10195
Joshua Rafaeil000
10 bonuses for 190 points (19 PPB)



Chris Scheri2020
Greg Reiser01-5
Quinn Vaughen3125
Will Hoover4135
9 bonuses for 120 points (13.33 PPB)

Orion HochPranaav SenthilkumarJoshua RafaeilBonusesTotalTUChris ScheriGreg ReiserQuinn VaughenWill HooverBonusesTotal
-5 72-510 1070
10 631010103520
35310 881001030
35410 111010060
10 9310101075560
10 69001095660
10 11610001157-5 6855
115810 112100075
-5 21110910 99100095
10 109001013010-5 7490
1301110 4101010120
1301210 380100140
10 82001015013140
10 721001018014140
10 12310101022015140
2201610 8010100170
10 661001025017170
2501810 52000180
10 1081001028019-5 34175
2802010 420100195
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text