2024 ACF Fall at Cornell

Round 2: Binghamton A vs. RIT C

Binghamton A


Steven Vicoria9280
Owen Linder3125
Peter Smith000
Giuseppe Piccirilli3125
Sam Savetsky000
15 bonuses for 310 points (20.67 PPB)



Jude Mejia-Vazquez2020
Claire Wang02-10
Madelyn Stochaj2020
Lise Obudulu000
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

Steven VicoriaOwen LinderPeter SmithGiuseppe PiccirilliSam SavetskyBonusesTotalTUJude Mejia-VazquezClaire WangMadelyn StochajLise ObuduluBonusesTotal
10 981000201-5 23-5
-5 721520 112-5
10 841000353-5
10 90101010754-5
10 67010101055-5
-5 77100610 116010015
100710 27100035
10 7010100130835
10 101010101609-5 7530
-5 501551010 90001050
10 113010101851150
10 64101002151250
10 5901002351350
10 47101002651450
10 25101002951550
-5 542901610 94010070
10 691010103301770
10 761010103701870
10 45010104001970
10 831010104402070
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text