2024 ACF Fall at Cornell

Round 1: RIT A vs. Binghamton B



Aidan Roullet3410
Danny Cutbill2115
Tom Scheri3220
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Binghamton B


Claire Chambers5050
Bianca Van Zile4040
Shalin Zerbe2020
Deric Wagner01-5
11 bonuses for 190 points (17.27 PPB)

Aidan RoulletDanny CutbillTom ScheriBonusesTotalTUClaire ChambersBianca Van ZileShalin ZerbeDeric WagnerBonusesTotal
0110 101100020
0210 1060101050
10 91001020350
10 790100404-5 4745
-5 6635510 96001065
10 6200045665
45710 391010095
10 521001075895
10 4610100105995
1051010 80101010135
-5 461001110 650010155
-5 67951210 1000010175
10 510101012514175
-5 851201510 10710100205
-5 421151610 1140010225
10 64100013517225
-5 681301810 9310010255
-5 331251910 94101010295
10 86100014520295
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text