2024 ACF Fall at Rutgers

Round 10: Lehigh A vs. Lehigh B

Lehigh A


Steven McPhillimey000
Claire Wilson2115
Chase Barrick9375
Lauren Edgar000
11 bonuses for 210 points (19.09 PPB)

Lehigh B


Caedmon Holland4040
Jack Stuhlman1010
Nolan Keating235
Emily Farley000
7 bonuses for 110 points (15.71 PPB)

Steven McPhillimeyClaire WilsonChase BarrickLauren EdgarBonusesTotalTUCaedmon HollandJack StuhlmanNolan KeatingEmily FarleyBonusesTotal
10 2310002010
10 5100104020
40310 490101030
10 8410101080430
10 820100100530
10 7600101206-5 6625
-5 46115710 103100045
10 66101010155845
0 122155910 122100065
-5 511501065
10 10810101019011-5 7160
10 691010102301260
2301410 77001080
10 6710002501580
-5 702451610 1100100100
10 62001026517-5 6295
2651810 11801010125
-5 1062601910 124101010165
10 2510101030020165
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text