2024 ACF Fall at North Carolina

Round 11: Liberty B vs. North Carolina B

North Carolina B


Joseph Cole02210
Justin Han0000
Nick Smemoe05145
Ansh Muthiyan01010
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Liberty B


Samuel Miller02020
Miller Doerr02020
Jonathan Bost06060
Abby Keith01010
11 bonuses for 180 points (16.36 PPB)

Joseph ColeJustin HanNick SmemoeAnsh MuthiyanBonusesTotalTUSamuel MillerMiller DoerrJonathan BostAbby KeithBonusesTotal
0110 33100020
-5 82-5210 104100040
-5310 73010060
10 1231001025460
25610 651001090
-5 3820710 950010110
10 5410100508110
-5 4845910 12110100140
451010 73101010180
451110 770100200
451210 95101010240
10 10501006513240
10 109101009514240
10 74010011515240
10 94100013516240
10 851010016517240
10 72010018518240
1851910 910100260
1852010 10710100290
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text